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MOFA response to false claims made in a joint statement between PRC and Chile regarding Taiwan

  • Date:2023-10-19
  • Data Source:Department of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs

October 19, 2023

Chilean President Gabriel Boric visited China from October 14 to 18 and met with Chinese President Xi Jinping on October 17. After the meeting, the two sides issued a joint statement reaffirming their commitment to the “one China principle,” supporting the peaceful reunification of China, and resolutely opposing any form of Taiwan independence.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) strongly protests the Chinese government’s repeated use of meetings with leaders of other countries to put forward its “one China principle” and unilaterally and falsely claim that Taiwan is part of China’s territory. MOFA also solemnly condemns the government of Chile for aligning with China in issuing a statement that seeks to undermine the sovereignty and dignity of the Republic of China (Taiwan).


MOFA reiterates that the Republic of China (Taiwan) is an independent and sovereign nation, that neither the R.O.C. (Taiwan) nor the People’s Republic of China is subordinate to the other, and that the PRC has never governed Taiwan for a single day. These are internationally recognized facts and the objective status quo. No country can or has the right to deny the sovereignty of the Republic of China (Taiwan) through a joint statement.


Since assuming office, President Boric of Chile—an important democratic country in South America—has emphasized democracy and human rights. MOFA regrets that he has issued a statement in support of China’s false narrative and chosen to ignore China’s undemocratic nature and lack of respect for basic human rights and values. MOFA calls on the Chilean government to recognize that the true intention of the autocratic and authoritarian Chinese government is to expand its global influence. MOFA also urges Chile to refrain from becoming complicit in Chinese authoritarianism and to work pragmatically and openly with Taiwan and other like-minded and democratic nations that share the same values toward maintaining global peace, stability, and prosperity.