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Remarks by Deputy Minister François Chih-Chung Wu at a reception to mark the 18th anniversary of the Taiwan-Africa Business Association

  • Data Source:Department of West Asian and African Affairs
  • Date:2024-12-30

François Chih Chung Wu

 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

 Republic of China (Taiwan)

 December 30, 2024

 (As Prepared for Delivery)

Ladies and gentlemen:

Good evening!

It is a great pleasure to join you all here to celebrate the 18th anniversary of the Taiwan-Africa Business Association (TABA). On this meaningful occasion, I extend my warmest congratulations to all associated with this distinguished organization and my best wishes for its continued success in the years to come.

I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the immense contributions that TABA has made in fostering economic partnerships between Taiwan and Africa. With its abundant natural resources and dynamic markets, Africa enjoys tremendous potential for growth and development. And over the past year, we have witnessed inspiring progress in trade and investment opportunities between Taiwan and African nations. TABA has been at the forefront of these advancements.

The association’s steadfast efforts in connecting Taiwanese businesses with their African counterparts have built a strong foundation for mutually beneficial relations. And by collaborating with esteemed organizations such as the Taiwan External Trade Development Council and the Africa-Taiwan Economic Forum, TABA has helped expand Taiwan’s network in Africa and established new pathways for trade and investment.

There is no doubt that TABA’s endeavors have significantly strengthened economic ties between Taiwan and Africa and helped reinforce Taiwan’s diplomatic engagement with African partners. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) deeply appreciates your dedication and assures you of our unwavering support in promoting economic cooperation and sustainable development together with African nations.

In closing, on behalf of MOFA, I wish TABA a very happy 18th anniversary and continued success in your invaluable work. And I extend my best wishes for the good health and prosperity of all of tonight’s guests. Thank you!