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Remarks by Deputy Minister Tien, Chung-kwang at a welcome reception for the IPAC delegation

  • Data Source:Department of European Affairs
  • Date:2024-07-29

Tien, Chung-kwang

 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

 Republic of China (Taiwan)

 July 29, 2024

 (As Prepared for Delivery)

Ladies and gentlemen:

Good evening!

1.Thanking IPAC for holding its 2024 summit in Taiwan

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan), it is a great privilege to host this reception to welcome all of you tonight. I would like to begin by thanking IPAC and Executive Director Luke de Pulford for holding the 2024 summit meeting here in Taiwan. This event has brought together nearly 50 lawmakers from over 20 countries and the European Union.

2.Stressing democratic solidarity in support of Taiwan

As Taiwan is on the front lines facing the threat of China’s authoritarian regime, I would like to express my deep appreciation for your presence here. It serves as proof of democratic solidarity and demonstrates your support for Taiwan’s people, as well as for freedom, human rights, and the rules-based international order. Your participation shows that Taiwan does not stand alone.

3.Praising IPAC for uniting lawmakers to counter threat from China

Since its establishment in 2020, IPAC has done incredible work raising public awareness and acting to counter the threat China poses to the rules-based international order. In fact, I know that some of you are now under Chinese sanctions. Through joint initiatives and campaigns, IPAC has been galvanizing support that transcends borders and party politics. This is underscored by the presence of so many new members at this year’s IPAC summit.

4.Recognizing that IPAC has spared no effort in supporting Taiwan

IPAC has been diligent in calling on nations, including G7 and G20 members, to support democratic Taiwan. IPAC’s actions are strategic and timely. We affirm your efforts, which have included supporting security and stability across the Taiwan Strait, condemning China’s military exercises near Taiwan, stressing closer ties with Taiwan, deterring China from using economic coercion, and promoting Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations.

5.Appreciating IPAC’s launch of Operation MIST

In March, following groundbreaking reports by the Rhodium Group and Bloomberg that estimated the cost of a blockade in the Taiwan Strait at between 2.5 and 10 trillion US dollars, IPAC launched Operation MIST to press governments to assess the domestic economic impact of such an event. No country would be immune to the geopolitical and economic fallout. Therefore, I am pleased that this summit will address this important issue. 

6.Addressing China’s hybrid warfare against Taiwan

For decades, Taiwan has faced China’s military intimidation and hybrid warfare tactics. In recent years, China has stepped up lawfare, cyberattacks, and disinformation against Taiwan. It aims to undermine Taiwan’s national security and alter the cross-strait status quo. China continues to distort UNGA Resolution 2758 to falsely link its content to China’s own “one China principle.” This is an attempt to frame Taiwan as China’s domestic issue and thereby justify aggressive measures. We are looking forward to the insights of experts on this issue tomorrow.

7.Countering collusion by the new authoritarian axis 

While we focus on the threat from authoritarian China, a new axis of authoritarian states is colluding against the free world. In March 2022, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin met in Moscow to reaffirm a “no-limits” partnership. In June this year, Russia and North Korea agreed to upgrade their relationship to include a bilateral military defense pact. At the center of this new axis sits China, which is trying to bind developing nations through its Belt and Road Initiative. Democracies must unite and collaborate to resist the challenges that this rising axis poses, so that we can safeguard democracy and the rules-based international order.


In closing, I would like to thank IPAC and all of you again for your courage and determination in addressing the threat from China. Your staunch support of Taiwan will be always remembered in the hearts of our people. By working together, our friendship will continue to grow from strength to strength. I am certain of one thing: democracy will prevail.

Now please join me in a toast: to the best of health, happiness, and prosperity for all of our distinguished participants, and to the great success of this summit. 

Thank you.