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Remarks by Deputy Minister Tien, Chung-kwang at a reception to mark the 76th Independence Day of the State of Israel

  • Data Source:Department of West Asian and African Affairs
  • Date:2024-06-20

Tien, Chung-kwang

 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

 Republic of China (Taiwan)

 June 20, 2024

 (As Prepared for Delivery)

Ladies and gentlemen:

Good evening!

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan), it is a pleasure to congratulate the government and people of the State of Israel on the 76th anniversary of your nation’s independence.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Representative Yaron for her assistance with broadening and deepening governmental and people-to-people ties. By holding a wide range of activities and events, your office has enhanced Taiwanese people’s understanding of and interest in Israel.

Taiwan and Israel enjoy close exchanges in the fields of academia, technology, environmental protection, national defense, and parliamentary affairs. Since the pandemic subsided, mutual visits and exchanges have gradually increased. We have hosted cross-party delegations from the Knesset, even as Israel remains at war. This is a clear demonstration of our strong friendship. Also, we have received delegations from think thanks such as the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. This has strengthened the trilateral partnership between Taiwan, Israel, and the United States. Separately, a delegation led by then Digital Minister Audrey Tang visited Israel last year to attend Cyber Week. I am confident that, based on such a foundation, exchanges between our parliaments, executive branches, and civil society organizations will continue to thrive.

Last year we marked 30 years of friendship between Taiwan and Israel. In this time, we have made great strides, signing 33 bilateral agreements covering such issues as research and development, technology, visa-free entry, education, voluntarism, social welfare, working holidays, and tourism. 

Taiwan and Israel have enjoyed continued trade growth as well. Israel is our largest non-energy trading partner in the Middle East. In 2023, bilateral trade reached 2.5 billion US dollars. While trade has abated somewhat given the situation with Hamas, I am convinced that growth remains the trend because our economies are highly complementary.

Taiwan and Israel are both vibrant democracies that share common values. We cherish freedom and uphold the principles of good governance and the rule of law. And we both wish to maintain our democratic way of life. Working together, we can overcome the challenges we face.

And in closing, may you all enjoy health and happiness, and may Israel continue to prosper. Thank you.