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Remarks by Vice Minister Li-kuo Chen at a reception for the 100th National Day of the Republic of Türkiye

  • Data Source:Department of West Asian and African Affairs
  • Date:2023-10-30

Li-kuo Chen

 Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

 Republic of China (Taiwan)

 October 30, 2023

 (As Prepared for Delivery)

Good evening!

It is a great honor to attend this reception for the 100th National Day of the Republic of Türkiye. On behalf of the people and government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the people and government of Türkiye.

The friendship between Taiwan and Türkiye is solid and has withstood the test of many challenges. As the proverb says, “a friend in need is a friend indeed.” (Or in Turkish: İyi dost kara günde belli olur.) Taiwanese people remain deeply appreciative of the timely assistance Türkiye provided following the devastating earthquake here two decades ago. In February, when Türkiye was struck by a major earthquake, the government of Taiwan also promptly dispatched rescue teams to the affected area. Total public and private contributions from Taiwan exceeded 40 million US dollars in donations and 400 tons of supplies and equipment. To meet the needs of survivors, we collaborated with the central and local governments as well as NGOs to organize eight relief programs. The initiatives have provided medical care, helped restore education, and offered other services.  The path to recovery will be long, but Taiwan stands with Türkiye in jointly strengthening disaster resilience and enhancing cooperation on disaster prevention.

In facing other complex and urgent challenges such as war, humanitarian crises, and climate change, more than ever before, countries around the world must unite and cooperate. Türkiye has recently played a key role in mediating regional conflicts, taking the lead in organizing the Black Sea Grain Initiative. It has also made groundbreaking contributions to issues of global concern, such as its zero-waste program. Taiwan also takes its responsibilities to the international community very seriously. The passage of the Climate Change Response Act in February made Taiwan the 18th country in the world to codify the 2050 net-zero emissions goal into law. Like Türkiye, we are actively promoting green transition and sustainable development. I firmly believe there is great potential for cooperation between our countries in fields such as green energy, circular economy, and technology.

Since Taiwan and Türkiye signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Exchange of Air Traffic Rights in 2014, the total number of visits from Taiwanese people to Türkiye has exceeded 450,000. Bilateral exchanges continue to thrive in many spheres. This year also marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Mission in Ankara and the Turkish Trade Office in Taipei. Looking ahead, I am confident that our mutually beneficial relationship will continue to deepen.

In closing, I would like to propose a toast to commemorate this milestone in Türkiye’s extraordinary journey: to the cordial and close relations between our two countries, and to the good health and happiness of our distinguished guests. Thank you.