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Remarks by Deputy Minister Tien, Chung-kwang at the signing ceremony for the Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government of Saint Lucia

  • Data Source:Department of Treaty and Legal Affairs
  • Date:2023-08-16

Tien, Chung-kwang
 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
 Republic of China (Taiwan)
 August 16, 2023
(As Prepared for Delivery)

Good morning!

I am honored to participate in this auspicious occasion—the signing of the Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government of Saint Lucia. The treaty marks a significant step forward in strengthening bilateral relations and fostering cooperation in the realm of law enforcement. 

In June, the Taiwan embassy provided the government of Saint Lucia with police equipment. This included microcameras, steel batons, driving recorders, shields, and portable X-ray scanners. Recognizing the current challenges faced by law enforcement, Taiwan is pleased to continue bolstering cooperation with Saint Lucia. Together, we will enhance capabilities of judicial personnel in the investigation, prosecution, and prevention of criminal offenses.

The quest for justice knows no borders. Effective cooperation and information sharing between countries are essential to upholding public safety. By pooling our resources, we can respond more swiftly to transnational crime such as human trafficking, cybercrime, and drug trafficking.

Today, as we put pen to paper, let us remember that this is not just a symbolic act; it is about furthering a partnership built on trust, respect, and cooperation. The treaty is a testament to our shared values, and it will help create a safer world for our citizens and future generations.

In closing, allow me to extend a heartfelt thanks to all those present today. I wish the treaty every success and look forward to broadening and deepening cooperation with Saint Lucia in the years to come. Thank you!