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Remarks by Vice Minister Alexander Tah-ray Yui at the establishment reception and banquet for the Israel Taiwan Commerce & Culture Exchange Association

  • Data Source:Department of West Asian and African Affairs
  • Date:2023-08-07

Alexander Tah-ray Yui
 Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs 
 Republic of China (Taiwan) 
 August 7, 2023
 (As Prepared for Delivery)

Good evening! 

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan), I am delighted to extend my congratulations on the inauguration of the Israel Taiwan Commerce & Culture Exchange Association. It is wonderful to see friends from Taiwan and Israel gathering this evening to celebrate the establishment of this meaningful platform. It is sure to bring our countries and peoples even closer. 

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the mutual establishment of representative offices in Taiwan and Israel. Over the past three decades, the bond between our nations has deepened and expanded year after year. To date, we have signed 32 agreements covering such areas as visa waivers, aviation, technology and medical cooperation, the mutual recognition of driver’s licenses, volunteering, and a working holiday visa program. 

Trade relations between Taiwan and Israel continue to grow at a remarkable pace. Israel is Taiwan’s largest nonenergy trading partner in the Middle East, and Taiwan is Israel’s fourth-largest trading partner in Asia.

Taiwan and Israel also share the values of liberty, freedom, and diversity. It has been wonderful to see our countries showcase their common values through a diverse range of exchanges.

Indeed, since the pandemic has subsided, our representative offices have worked with government agencies and cultural groups to organize even more activities, including art exhibitions and musical and dance performances. These accomplishments have done much to connect the hearts of our peoples. 

I believe the founding of the ITCCEA will bring new momentum to Taiwan-Israel collaboration. We look forward to seeing Ami help develop even more trade, tourism, sports, and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Israel. I am sure we can rely on everyone here to support this worthwhile endeavor, and I firmly believe that by working together, Taiwan and Israel will continue to prosper and thrive.

In closing, I wish Ami and the ITCCEA the very best of success, and good health to all of tonight’s guests. Thank you!