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MOFA response to joint statement by CCP regime and authoritarian Belarussian government claiming that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory and expressing opposition to any form of Taiwan independence

March 2, 2023



Leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government Xi Jinping and President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko on March 1 issued a joint statement on further developing an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Belarus in the new era. The statement claims that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory and expresses opposition to any form of Taiwan independence. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) condemns in the strongest terms the CCP government for obstinately and continuously disseminating this false narrative internationally and for coercing other countries to concur with its stance, as well as Belarus for complying with China’s inappropriate behavior.


MOFA reiterates that only the government elected by the Taiwanese people under a free and democratic system can represent Taiwan. China’s authoritarian government must recognize and respect this status quo and reality. In addition, it should not coerce other countries or organizations into accepting its fabricated “one China principle.”


The Republic of China is a sovereign, independent country. Neither democratic Taiwan nor totalitarian China is subordinate to the other. This is the long-standing, internationally recognized status quo. No statement by Belarus or any other country that defers to China’s false claims and undermines Taiwan’s sovereignty will be accepted by the people and government of Taiwan or the international community.


A total of 141 countries from around the world recently voted at the United Nations General Assembly in favor of demanding that Russia immediately and unconditionally withdraw from Ukraine. The democratic camp has also expressed grave concern over China’s relentless bullying and military threats against neighboring countries. Nevertheless, disregarding the rules-based international order, the CCP government has continued to disseminate false and malicious claims insisting that Taiwan is a part of the People’s Republic of China. This has not only fueled the Taiwanese people’s aversion and resistance to the authoritarian CCP regime but also clearly demonstrated to the international community China’s malevolent attempts at heavy-handed intimidation, disruption of peace, and willful and aggressive expansionism. This in turn has strengthened global commitment to staunchly supporting and safeguarding Taiwan’s free and democratic system.