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US Democratic National Convention adopts party platform that includes first-ever references to Six Assurances and commitment to cross-strait peace and stability

  • Date:2024-08-20
  • Data Source:Department of North American Affairs

August 20, 2024
No. 264

The US Democratic National Convention on August 19 adopted a party platform that again included text friendly to Taiwan. The platform affirmed that in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act, the Six Assurances, and other policies, the Democratic Party firmly pledged to preserve peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and ensure that there were no unilateral changes to the status quo from either side. Marking yet another explicit expression of staunch support for Taiwan in the Democratic Party platform, this was also the first time that the platform included a reference to the Six Assurances and a statement on remaining “steadfast in America’s commitment to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) sincerely welcomes and appreciates this strong support for Taiwan.

This was the first time that the Democratic Party has held an in-person national convention in eight years. Following past precedents, Taiwan sent a delegation to attend the event in Chicago. The inclusion of Taiwan-friendly text in the party platform not only reflected the Democratic Party’s unwavering support for Taiwan but also underscored its high regard for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. In fact, maintaining cross-strait peace and stability has not only gained support in the United States but also become a matter of international consensus in recent years.

Taiwan has long enjoyed friendly relations with all circles in the United States. MOFA will build on this solid foundation by continuing to engage in close and steadfast cooperation with the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and US friends across all sectors so as to steadily deepen the values-based Taiwan-US partnership across the globe. (E)