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MOFA welcomes Raymond Greene’s appointment as AIT/Taipei office director

  • Date:2024-05-29
  • Data Source:Department of North American Affairs

May 29, 2024 


The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) announced on May 29 that Mr. Raymond Greene would be appointed the new director of its Taipei office. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) welcomes this announcement.


Mr. Greene is a seasoned career diplomat currently serving as minister-counselor at the US Embassy in Japan. He previously served as director for Japan and East Asian economic affairs at the National Security Council and director of the Office of Economic Policy under the Department of State’s Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs. In the latter capacity, he served as chair of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum’s Economic Committee. Having been stationed in Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines, he is an expert in Indo-Pacific affairs.


As deputy director of the AIT/Taipei office from 2018 to 2021, Mr. Greene devoted considerable effort toward strengthening substantive ties between Taiwan and the United States. During his tenure, bilateral relations advanced significantly across all domains: the United States donated 2.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to help Taiwan fight the pandemic; the Department of State eased restrictions on US government engagement with Taiwan; and US arms sales to Taiwan were regularized. Moreover, the two countries resumed talks on the bilateral Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, launched the Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue, signed an MOU on establishing a coast guard working group, concluded the Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation, implemented the Education Initiative, launched the Consultations on Democratic Governance in the Indo-Pacific Region, and continued to expand the scope and content addressed by the Global Cooperation and Training Framework. In 2021, MOFA conferred the Friendship Medal of Diplomacy on Mr. Greene in recognition of his contributions to advancing Taiwan-US relations. 


Mr. Greene is familiar with Taiwan-US issues and Indo-Pacific developments. He has demonstrated strong support for Taiwan through concrete actions. The government of Taiwan sincerely welcomes Mr. Greene’s appointment as the new director of the AIT/Taipei office. Taiwan looks forward to further engaging in close cooperation with the United States and building on the rock-solid foundation to further enhance the global partnership between the two countries. (E)