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MOFA urges China to stop raising tensions in Taiwan Strait and region

  • Date:2024-05-23
  • Data Source:Department of Policy Planning

May 23, 2024  

No. 180  

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has noted that China on May 23 launched a two-day military drill around Taiwan called Joint Sword-2024A, escalating tensions in the region. MOFA urges China to exercise self-restraint and stop any actions that undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and raise tensions in the region.


It has been evident to all that peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait have become a matter of international consensus. MOFA expresses regret that China, despite continuous and strong international concern over developments in the Taiwan Strait, has repeatedly threatened Taiwan’s democracy and unilaterally disrupted the cross-strait status quo and peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific. The Republic of China (Taiwan) will spare no effort in safeguarding the cross-strait status quo and urges China to return to reason and show self-restraint, to stop unilaterally undermining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and to refrain from actions that raise regional tensions. 


MOFA reiterates that Taiwan will continue to firmly uphold democracy. This commitment will not change as a result of any coercion or suppression. Taiwan is a bastion for global democracy and freedom. Moving forward, Taiwan will continue to strengthen cooperative ties with like-minded partners to jointly safeguard the values of freedom and democracy, uphold the rules-based international order, protect the cross-strait status quo, and ensure peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific. (E)