December 9, 2014
No. 275
The Republic of China (Taiwan) has donated 350 prefabricated houses to refugees fleeing military turmoil in northern Iraq.
Worth just under US$1.2 million, the donation is Taiwan’s largest for refugees in Iraq this year. The ROC government is working closely with the United States to carry out the project so that the prefabricated houses can reach the refugees in a timely and effective manner to help them endure the cold winter months.
Out of a philanthropic spirit encompassing empathy and compassion, the ROC government over the past two years has provided over US$8.2 million in humanitarian aid to the Middle East. Of this figure, projects worth nearly US$7.1 million have been either fully or partially executed thus far. The ROC government is firmly committed to working actively and closely with the international community to offer prompt and appropriate humanitarian aid to refugees from war-torn regions in the Middle East. (E)