November 10, 2014
No. 246
The ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirms a Liberal International Executive Committee resolution calling for the reduction of tensions in the East and South China Seas, reflecting the principles and spirit of the East China Sea Peace Initiative proposed by the ROC government.
The resolution, adopted at Liberal International’s 193rd Executive Committee meeting on November 9, expresses serious concern over the escalating tensions in the East and South China Seas, and stresses the need for all parties concerned to shelve disputes for the sake of continued dialogue. It also welcomes proposals by the Republic of China (Taiwan) to seek consensus on a code of conduct through inclusive consultations and promote joint exploration and development. It further appeals to all governments to respect the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, refrain from unilateral actions, and take concrete measures to de-escalate the situation.
Established in London in 1947, Liberal International is a global federation of liberal political parties. Its 193rd Executive Committee meeting was held in Hong Kong from November 7 to 9, under the theme of “Liberalism: promoting growth, reducing inequality.” (E)