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MOFA strongly condemns Russian attack on children’s hospital in Kyiv, announces US$200,000 donation to hospital for purchase of emergency medical supplies

  • Date:2024-07-09
  • Data Source:Department of European Affairs

July 9, 2024  

No. 231  

Russian airstrikes on Ukraine’s capital Kyiv on July 8 heavily damaged Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital and caused dozens of civilian casualties, including children. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) strongly condemns Russia’s attacks on the hospital, which ruthlessly targeted children. 


Following the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war in February 2022, Taiwan’s civil society promptly donated approximately US$30 million to assist Ukraine out of humanitarian concern. Of this amount, US$1 million went toward helping Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital procure medical equipment and replenish medical supplies. In the wake of the Russian attack on the hospital, MOFA has instructed the Taipei Representative Office in Poland to express condolences to the hospital’s director. At the same time, MOFA has announced a donation of US$200,000 to the hospital for the purchase of needed medical supplies and reiterated its commitment to providing necessary assistance. In a spirit of solidarity, Taiwan has extended a helping hand to the hospital and its young patients and their families, supporting efforts to ensure the basic dignity and humanitarian treatment of the Ukrainian people. 


MOFA once again urges Russia to respect Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; cease its aggressive actions; and restore peace as soon as possible. Taiwan will steadfastly fulfill its responsibility as a force for good in the international community and cooperate with like-minded countries to safeguard the core values of democracy, freedom, the rule of law, and human rights. (E)