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MOFA response to false claims regarding Taiwan made by Chinese delegation to OAS General Assembly

  • Date:2024-06-29
  • Data Source:Department of North American Affairs

June 29, 2024

On June 28, the Chinese delegation to the Organization of American States General Assembly in Paraguay falsely claimed that the “one China principle” had been accepted by a majority of members of the international community, 183 countries had established diplomatic relations with China on this basis, and Taiwan was an inalienable part of China. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) strongly condemns these fallacious claims.

MOFA solemnly reiterates that the Republic of China (Taiwan) is a sovereign and independent country, that neither it nor the People’s Republic of China is subordinate to the other, and that the PRC has never governed Taiwan for a single day. These are universally acknowledged facts and the internationally recognized status quo. Taiwan is a modern democracy that actively defends its democratic system and respects human rights and the rule of law. No distortion of Taiwan’s sovereign status can alter the internationally recognized cross-strait status quo. China’s unilateral dissemination of false claims in the global community is unhelpful to stability across the Taiwan Strait and the region, and detrimental to international peace, stability, and order.

MOFA urges all countries to ignore China’s malicious narratives aimed at downgrading Taiwan’s sovereign status and to avoid becoming complicit in elevating regional tensions. Taiwan is a frontline bastion of the democratic community. The people and government of democratic Taiwan will unite as one to jointly resist communist China’s rhetorical and military intimidation. Taiwan will enhance coordination with other democratic nations to deter authoritarian expansion and preserve peace, stability, and prosperity across the Taiwan Strait.