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MOFA response to false claims regarding Taiwan made in a statement by Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Date:2024-05-23
  • Data Source:Department of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs

May 23, 2024  

The Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement on May 20 falsely claiming that “Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory,” rejecting “the secessionist position adopted by Lai Ching-te, leader of the Democratic Progressive Party, during his inauguration speech as leader of the Taiwan region, as being contrary to peaceful cross-strait reunification and regional peace and stability,” and condemning “any intervention by any country under any pretext which could undermine regional peace and stability.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) solemnly protests and strongly condemns this erroneous statement that aims to undermine Taiwan’s sovereignty. 


MOFA reiterates that the R.O.C. (Taiwan) is a sovereign and independent nation. Neither Taiwan nor the People’s Republic of China is subordinate to the other. The PRC has never governed Taiwan for a single day. These are universally acknowledged facts as well as the internationally recognized status quo. Taiwan is a democratic country that actively upholds democracy and respects human rights and the rule of law. No distorted narrative on Taiwan’s sovereign status can change the international consensus on the cross-strait status quo. Collusion between Venezuela and China not only jeopardizes cross-strait and regional security but also contradicts the international community’s desire for peace, stability, and a rules-based world order. MOFA solemnly urges the government of Venezuela not to join China in maliciously devaluing Taiwan’s sovereign status and fanning the flames of regional tensions. Instead of acting as an accomplice to China, Venezuela would be better served by reflecting on the permanent damage its undemocratic system has done to its national economy and people’s livelihoods, swiftly holding fair elections, and returning to a liberal democratic system. 


Taiwan is a frontline bastion in defense of the democratic camp. The people and government of Taiwan are united in their commitment to jointly counter communist China’s rhetorical and military intimidation, strengthen cooperation with the community of democracies, curb authoritarian expansionism, and preserve peace, stability, and prosperity across the Taiwan Strait.