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MOFA response to the Taiwan International Solidarity Act passed by the US House of Representatives on July 25

  • Date:2023-07-26
  • Data Source:Department of North American Affairs

July 26, 2023


The United States House of Representatives passed the Taiwan International Solidarity Act on the afternoon of July 25. The legislation aims to counter China’s malicious distortion of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 in attempting to block Taiwan’s participation in international organizations. The bill emphasizes that the UNGA resolution addresses only the issue of China’s representatives to the UN and has nothing to do with Taiwan. The bill was unanimously adopted by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on May 16 and, following its passage by the House of Representatives, will be presented to the Senate for deliberation.


For decades, China has deliberately inflated and misrepresented UNGA Resolution 2758 to suppress Taiwan’s international participation and prevent it from contributing to the world. Beijing even claims the resolution—which addresses only China’s right of representation—provides the international legal basis for the so-called “one China principle,” using it to falsely claim sovereignty over Taiwan on numerous occasions. The Taiwan International Solidarity Act is a concrete step to counter China’s malevolent and calculated distortion of UNGA Resolution 2758 in the global arena. It is profoundly significant that the US Congress has taken an explicit stand to clarify the facts.


Taiwan’s friends in the US Congress have again demonstrated resolute bipartisan backing for Taiwan’s international participation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) sincerely appreciates their support. As a responsible member of the international community, Taiwan will continue to cooperate closely with the United States and all like-minded nations to deepen partnerships on all fronts and do its utmost to contribute to addressing common global challenges.